DIY projects are bringing me lots of business

DIY projects are bringing me lots of business

I have to say, the shelter in place and social distancing thing has really brought in a lot of business for my company.

You might think it would be the opposite because so many small businesses are going under right now.

However, it seems like I chose the right industry to specialize in. When I was going through high school I never could have imagined that becoming a certified HVAC technician would eventually lead to so much success. Today, as an HVAC repair shop owner, I am rolling in dough as people continue to get bored and mess up their own central heating and cooling systems. Apparently, the pandemic driving everyone indoors has unanimously created a fascination with home DIY projects. These at home projects haven’t been limited to decor, in fact it has seeped into the realm of HVAC maintenance and repair. More and more husbands seem to get the idea that they can play professional HVAC technician after watching a few air conditioning repair videos on YouTube. They are going into their air ducts and attempting to patch up holes and clean out airborne contaminants. They are trying to upgrade their filters without consulting a professional air quality technician first. In short, overly confident homeowners across the country are destroying their own central heating and cooling systems with their spare time and boredom. At that point, my professional repair shop comes in and undoes all the damage to their air quality control equipment. I hate to say that my HVAC shop is profiting from the pandemic… but recently, business has been very good.


heating repair