Making that winter money – saving all year for heating

Making that winter money – saving all year for heating

When people meet me they tend to be fairly impressed by how active and productive my life is.

Compared to regular adults, I suppose that I keep a pretty tight ship. Most people my age seem to work a regular nine-to-five job and otherwise sit at home on the couch. If they aren’t watching TV and drinking beer at home, they’re out on the town wasting money to purchase expensive foods and beverages. Outside of those activities, people don’t seem to accomplish very much. Personally, I can’t understand this. I always want to maximize my time and get as much done in my day is possible. One of the things that I consistently crammed into my daily schedule is working several jobs. Throughout the entire year, I like to take on extra work and make as much money as possible. My winter survival depends on it. When people ask me why I work so hard all year, I try to tell them that I’m saving up for heating my home all winter. Generally, they give me a strange look and ask why my heating is so expensive. The answer is simple, because running a furnace 24/7 is an extremely energy-inefficient endeavor. It cost a lot of money to keep my central heating system operating all day and all night. If nothing goes wrong with your furnace, you have to pay the Energy company for all the power usage. If something goes wrong with your furnace, you are doomed to pay the piper when calling for an emergency repair service in the middle of the night. Personally, I can’t turn the other way and ignore my expensive heating system all season long. Winter heating is why I work so hard throughout the year.

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