Missed my service date plus ended up with a Jacksonville A/C repair

Missed my service date plus ended up with a Jacksonville A/C repair

It costs me a ton of currency to have a guy add more refrigerant to my machine

I live in Jacksonville, Florida plus the Summer season is no joke, and our hot weather can start as early as December plus not let up until September; It makes for a long season of shorts, tanks, plus flip-flops. I get sick of wearing barely any clothing plus perspiring to death… A/C is downright necessary when you live here… The air conditioner does more than keep me cool too. It encourages bugs to find a new place to live plus prevents mold growth indoors. The cooling system removes all the excessive humidity plus stops the wood furniture from swelling, however with A/C being such a priority you would feel that I would hire A/C service once a year; Yeah, I kind of dropped the ball this year. I should have gotten my cooling system cleaned plus inspected. Instead, I figured it could make it another year. Well right in the middle of the summer, I ended up calling for a Jacksonville, Florida cooling system repair. That is about the worst thing you can do. I got charged with emergency services, after-hour service, plus a full-fledged repair. Air conditioner service in Jax isn’t that extravagant, then being bumped up on the waiting list for a Jacksonville A/C repair is another matter entirely. It costs me a ton of currency to have a guy add more refrigerant to my machine. I won’t have that mistake happen again… Every Springtime I am going to get my A/C system looked after. I want to have it cleaned, inspected, plus have small repairs taken care of so I don’t get hosed later in the season. I also don’t want to suffer separately from A/C again during a Jacksonville summer.

air conditioning repair