New apartment, HVAC system was not serviced

New apartment, HVAC system was not serviced

I have never had a good moving experience.

Everyone talks about it being the most stressful task you have to accomplish as an adult, and I fully agree with that sentiment.

I am absolutely plagued with mishaps and obstacles when I need to relocate my items. Overall, I’ve had some really bad luck when it comes to making moves. There was a time that the rental vehicle broke down on the side of the highway on a sweltering afternoon. There was the house closing that took over two months, leaving us with nowhere to live in the meantime. There was also the time my ex cranked the thermostat up to 80 degrees on my move-out weekend. What a nightmare. This last time was no different. I was relocating into a small apartment on my own, and it seemed like the move was going swimmingly. As I was bringing things into the apartment, however, I started to notice that it was feeling increasingly hot and humid inside the new space. Dragging every box up the stairs was like crawling through a tropical rainforest, it was so hot and muggy. I kept changing the thermostat, digesting the air conditioning unit to run harder, but it never seemed to make a difference. No matter what, there was barely any cool air flowing into the apartment. I should have known that this was a bad sign. It turned out that my new AC had not been properly serviced for over 10 years. Since I moved into this place, I’ve had nothing but Heating and Cooling disasters. When the move was so hot and sweaty, I should have been warned.

Residential heat and AC