Thankful for rental car and air conditioning

Thankful for rental car and air conditioning

We decided to take a Summer vacation and drive down the coast.

We had always wanted to see Historic Boston and the Florida coast too.

The easiest way to take in all the sights was to drive. Our own car is paid for but it is a junker and we knew we would not be able to make that long of a trip without it breaking down. The cost of renting a car for the two week trip was a bit high but we figured it was comparable to airfare. Additionally the trip would include so much more and be more relaxing than sitting in a crowded airport and only having one destination. We packed our bags and headed to the rental office. We chose a vehicle that would be comfortable but had good gas mileage too. As we set out we realized that we were not only thankful for the peace of mind the newer car brought, we were really enjoying the air conditioning. The air in our own car hadn’t worked for years and as the heat of the day came on we loved being able to turn the temperature down in the car. We started our trip in the North and knew we would really appreciate it as we got farther South. The trip was really all we had dreamed it would be and we made the decision that it was time to purchase a new car when we returned. We were finally convinced that it was worth the investment to have a sound and comfortable car even if it meant having a car payment again.

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