Free air conditioning in 20 minutes

Free air conditioning in 20 minutes

I have to get some stuff at the store, but I’m not sure what stuff I actually need.

I usually just go and walk around the store till I see something that I am low on. I only have about maybe 50 different things in my flat that I eat, and that is counting everything in the fridge, freezer, and all of my kitchen cabinets. It may be closer to 40 things but if you count my spices then it leans more towards the 50 number. So shopping for me is quite easy. In fact, the hardest part is leaving climate control to go out in the heat to get to the other climate controlled spot. But it is only a three minute walk to the store and then I am back in a cool building again and shaded from the summer heat. I need some cooling pretty much all day long in the summer, be it the air conditioned shelter of my flat or the natural climate control of a sea breeze and the shade of a coconut blade. I do better in the cold weather but I have always lived along the beach in a warm climate, so the heat is not such a big deal to me either but I avoid it when I can. When my body is heating up from being out on a hot day it really takes a lot of energy for cooling down the body, so you can get quite tired from being out in the heat for many hours in a day.

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